Route1Reads 2022

Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon

Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon (Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2008)

Route1Reads connects literature to place by highlighting a book from each of the East Coast states/commonwealths that can be traveled by US Route 1, the longest north-south road in the United States. This collaborative project among the network of East Coast Center for the Book affiliate states includes subjects and genres that span everything from good eats and medical histories, to travelogues and mysteries.

The 2022 theme is: Literary Fiction.

Pennsylvania’s 2022 Route1Reads pick is Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon (Random House Trade Paperbacks).

A made-into-a-movie satirical classic, Wonder Boys by University of Pittsburgh alum Michael Chabon ventures into the brooding hijinks of a flawed English professor and his protégé who find themselves jumbling through frequented locales in their Pittsburgh college town, each haunted by aspirations to publish a book—while the writing in this novel itself delivers a meta statement on the turbulent pursuit of its craft.

Penn State News press release



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