Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award

Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award 2022

Born on the Water

2022 Winner

The 1619 Project: Born on the Water written by Nikole Hannah-Jones and Renée Watson, illustrated by Nikkolas Smith, and published by Kokila, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group.

Celebratory Event with Nikole Hannah-Jones and Renée Watson

Recorded: March 29th, 2023

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Judges' Comments

An American origin story filled with happiness, despair, then hope, and it explores the topic, "Where did I come from?" through a student's class assignment. Readers will feel raw emotions from the poems, both joy and heartbreak.

A series of lyrical poems that skillfully combine to provide a powerful historical narrative and an origin story important to today’s youth and to American history.

2022 Judges



Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award 2022

The One Thing You'd Save

2022 Honor Award

The One Thing You'd Save, written by Linda Sue Park, illustrated by Robert Sae-Heng, and published by Clarion, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

Judges' Comments 

Using the Korean poetry form, Sijo, Linda Sue Park masterfully creates a series of short and inventive poems that come together in a revealing and authentic exploration of a classroom assignment. With humor and evocative feelings, the book invites young readers to experience poetry and create their own.
This book captures voices of a variety of students in the classroom in an extraordinary way. From practical and clever to emotional and heartbreaking, each thing pulls a response from the reader.