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King & Kayla and the Case of the Missing Dog Treats

Cover image of King & Kayla and the Case of the Missing Dog Treats by Dori Hillestad Butler, lessons linked belowKing and Kayla and the Case of the Missing Dog Treats by Lori Hillestad Butler Peachtree 2017


Add description of King & Kayla lessons

Each of the lessons can be used alone or together to support family literacy programs:

Adult Education: Determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases by using sentence-level context clues and knowledge of root words.

Parent/Caregiver Education: Discover Geisel Award books to master the "five-finger rule" for selecting appropriately challenging reads.

Interactive Literacy Activity: Engage in shared reading as parents/caregivers demonstrate the "five-finger rule" and context clues.

Early Childhood Education: Play an interactive game to reinforce new vocabulary and context clues.

Additional Activities:

Compose secret messages using white crayons and water-based paint. Write a message or create a drawing on a white piece of paper using a white crayon. To reveal the hidden message, paint over the white crayon marks with watercolor paint or spray the paper with a mixture of water and food coloring. Once the paper dries, the secret message or design will appear as if by magic. This is a fun way to create mystery and encourage kids to be detectives like King & Kayla. 

Refine your detective skills with a game of 20 questions. No materials required. One person thinks of an object, and the other players try to guess what it is by asking yes-or-no questions. The person who knows the answer can only respond with "yes" or "no." The players take turns asking questions until someone correctly guesses the object, or until 20 questions have been asked without a correct answer.  

Personalize King & Kayla's treat jar. Choose a variety of colors, designs, and patterns to create a unique and personalized cookie jar that reflects your style and personality. For this activity you will need colored pencils, markers, crayons, paint, or any other decorating materials. After completing your artwork, you can proudly display your decorated cookie jar on your kitchen counter or table. 

Creating a dog out of construction paper is a fun and easy activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The activity involves using construction paper to cut out ovals and assemble them into a cute and charming dog. Use the paper dog construction handout provided for a list of materials and step-by-step instructions for creating the dog. After assembling the base feel free to customize the dog however you want! You can add features such as spots, a collar, a bone, and many other things. Once you have finished creating your dog, you can proudly display it on a shelf, wall, or desk, or give it as a gift to a friend or family member who loves dogs.  

Make a simple origami dog from a square piece of paper.


drawing of empty treat jar for King and Kayla activity image of dog made with construction paper ovals image of King & Kayla Word Search handout with a square of letters and nine words
Treat Jar Construction Paper Dog Word Search